

I'm Sally, an english girl living in Sydney. I feel like an Aussie most of time, until Christmas when things get weird, I will never reconcile Christmas with heat and the beach.

I love to cook, to bake and eat, to snap images, stumbling along with my Canon. I collect Liberty fabric, stationery, Christmas decorations, vintage china, cutlery, and all things kitchen related; my family say hoard, I prefer curate!

simmer & boyle is a journal of my recipes and experiences, welcome...


  1. What a beautiful blog. Magnificent job. I am too intimidated to try any of your lovely recipes but will certainly pass along to my foodie friends....thank you for your work!

  2. Hi Sally, I stumbled across your site and was immediately captivated by the stunning photography, so original, perfectly staged, and captures an atmosphere, a sense of being part of story. Wonderful.
