Scones are on high rotation at our house, they're almost too easy to make. Everyone loves them, we have the usual debate about jam first versus cream, jam obviously, my husband disagrees, and the youngest kids are just weirdos, one cuts them vertically, and both opt for jam only!
I've adapted Delia Smith's plain scone recipe, it's fabulous, mostly just changing the shape. Scone dough should be mixed and handled as little as possible, the more the dough is kneaded and rolled, the tougher and heavier the baked scone will be. Round scones are so pretty, and definitely the most photogenic, but cutting the scones into triangles allows you to mix the dough until it just holds together, and removes the need to re-roll off cuts, giving you 8 equally light fluffy scones. The sharp edges crisp up beautifully, contrasting wonderfully with the soft interior.

This recipe makes 8, it can be easily doubled, but only make as many as you'll eat that day; they're best eaten just barely warm from the oven, and are so easy to make you can always mix up another batch tomorrow..
300g self raising flour
55g spreadable butter (I use Lurpak)
30g caster sugar
pinch salt
145ml milk
extra flour for dusting
• position a shelf towards the top of your oven, and preheat to 220ºC fan (240ºC conventional), line a baking tray with baking paper
• tip the flour into a large bowl, gently rub the butter into the flour, then stir through the sugar and salt
• make a well in the flour mixture, and using a blunt knife, mix in the milk; knead gently until the dough just comes together
• tip the dough onto your lined tray, use your hands to form a disc 3cm tall; dust with the extra flour and cut the disc into 8 equally sized triangles, carefully separate the triangles moving them apart slightly
• pop the scones in the oven, immediately turn it down to 200ºC fan (220ºC conventional), and bake for 15 minutes
• cool the scones on a rack, serve ever so slightly warm from the oven with jam and cream; any leftovers can be stored in an airtight container for a day or so, but honestly, we knock over 8 in a heartbeat :)
I don't have a photo of a scone with jam and cream, I totally forgot, but here's a close up, it's a bit dodgy, but you can see the dough is beautifully puffed and light.
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